Rambo is 14 7/8 " tall and has a steady chop mouth.
In his younger years he could run fast if pushed, but prefered to run at a pace he could control.
I've owned Rambo since he was 5 months old and he has never run deer,
squirrel, fox, or coyote! He has barked a pheasant when he couldn't find a bunny.
What I like most about Rambo is his personality, search, and
ability to hold the line. He has a tremendous nose and in the trials he can get his nose in trouble. I could sit
here all day and tell you how "great" he is, but I wont. All dogs have faults.
I plan on line breeding and inbreeding his pups in the future
to "set" the traits that I desire. There have been a few litters out of solid rabbit running females that have been
exceptional. These litters will be the backbone of this "family" of hounds.
All of my dogs are descendants of Rambo. Some more than
(Rambo is now 15 yrs old and would have to be bred artificially)
Here are a few males from this line that I highly recommend for breeding.
T's Bigwood's Buster........Terry Maniez.....Mi. (proven)
Beadle's Duke........Nolan Beadle.....Mi.
Kai-yai Run Lex........Dennis Lorenz.....Mi.
Lone Pine Colt........Nathan Tillier.....Mi.
Lone Pine Sparty........Tom Shaffer....W.Va.
Lone Pine Blaze.....Matt Szymanski.....Ny.
Lone Pine Ottis.....Rory Vanderby.....Mi.
Lone Pine Clyde.....Ron Hoag.....Mi.
Casavoy's Hank.....Don Casavoy.....Mi.
All Weather Sam.....Andy Eichelberger.....Mi.
e-mail or call me for phone contacts.