Lone Pine Beagles

The Males

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the pedigrees are actual but the pics are not.


Banjo is a nice 13" rabbit dog!  He has tons of hunt, an honest mouth, rabbit smarts and excellent kennel manners.  He's not quite a year old and has had several miles put on him!

                     Timberlake Porkchop
               GRCh Spark's Oak Ridge Big Wheel
                      Wood's Go-Right Scooter
         FC RCh Kimbrel's Kick em up Kane
                     FC GRCh Lizard Creek Tadpole
               Gunsmoke Red Pepper II
                     Midnight Molly III
Lone Pine Banjo
                     FC GRCh Lizard Creek Tadpole
              Gunsmoke Lil Tadpole
                     Kings way Emma
        Gunsmoke Crybaby II
                     FC GRCh Lizard Creek Tadpole
              Gunsmoke Molly
                     Midnight Molly III


Maverick is a clean running borderline 13" male.
He has a huge mouth and lots of energy!
Looking forward to some AKC trials with him.

                    FC Branko's One Tough Ombre
              RCh D/K Tuff E Nuff
                    Branko's Jamie Lee
        Weedeater Coal Man
                    Blue Sly's Buddy Spirit
              Triple D Black Diamond
                    Southside Miss Mandy
Lone Pine Maverick
                    FC Branko's Jackpot
              Hamrick's Head Honcho
                    Mt. State Black Velvet
        Blueway Summer
                    Murphy's Buddy
              Mt. State Payday
                    Bullcreek's Princess


Louie is a laid back 13" male with a coarse chop mouth.  He is just starting to get checks on the pack.  Well bred, with 14 crosses of FC Branko's Jack of all Trades!

                    FC Turbo Powered by Prop
              IFC Greenwells Reggie
                    Maravic's Blue Girl
        FC Hornbill's Topfuel Chester
                    IFC Awful Bawlin Viagra
              Hornbill's Awful Bawlin Shorty
                    Smedley's Nosy Rosie
Lone Pine Louisville
                    FC Buddy's Iron Eagle
               FC Hickster's Intimidator
                    Newman's Patty
         Creekside's Little Suzie
                    The Elm's Tyson
               C & R's Running Emmy
                    Hackers Creek Josie